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Developments in Matrix Converter - A Review | Original Article

Sakshi Dubey1 Shambhu Ratan Awasthi2 in Anusandhan (RNTUJ-AN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


A matrix converter is a converter with a single stage conversion comprising a group of nine switches connecting the three phase source to the load. Matrix Converter can transform inputs with constant amplitude, frequency, variable amplitude and variable frequency into three-phase outputs because it can generate any output frequency because of multiple inputs. The Matrix Converter has four intrinsic features, a powerful input power factor, no intermediate DC link for energy storage, high regenerative capacity, and improved power density, lightweight and robust features. It is a result of several innovations over the decades due to which has made matrix converter very versatile. This paper presents developments that have taken place in nine way matrix converter topologies and modulation, protection and diversified applications.